6.003 |
The Castle, north side (conjectural)
6.004a |
The Castle, south view, 1735
6.005 |
The Castle, north side, from a print of 1737
6.010 |
The Castle, late 1860s
6.015 |
The Castle, south-east view of the interior, illustration used by J F Wadmore, 1886
6.017 |
Western tower of the Castle
6.020 |
The Castle, Banqueting Hall
6.043 |
The Castle - Christmas card
6.050 |
The Castle wall: the garderobes by riverside walk
6.052 |
The Castle in the snow
6.063 |
In the Castle grounds
6.064b |
Tonbridge Castle: the terrace
6.065 |
The Castle and River Medway, print from a painting by J Farington
6.071 |
River Medway from Tonbridge CAstle: postcard franked 1950
6.086 |
The Castle: postcard franked 1922
6.097 |
Castle wall and Riverside Walk, ?1930s
6.098 |
Castle wall and Riverside Walk, ?1930s
6.103 |
The Castle entrance